The project is a memorial dedicated to honoring the victims and the impact of California's wildfires, particularly focusing on the period from 2002 to 2021. The design is inspired by the profound destruction caused by these fires, especially the effect on people’s lives and building materials. Aluminum was chosen as the primary material due to its reaction to fire.
The memorial is an outdoor installation in areas affected by wildfires. It features canopies representing the size of the fires, with melted metal integrated into the structure to symbolize the destruction. Columns made from melted metal represent the number of structures destroyed, while the depth of the memorial signifies the number of lives lost. The design aims to commemorate the devastation of wildfires and honor those affected.
The diagram illustrates the impact of fire on a typical two-bedroom house with primary furnishings.
During a fire, the metal elements of the house lose their original shape and melt into horizontal shapes.
While the foundation of the house is made of concrete, the wooden elements such as plywood walls and
furniture are reduced to ashes.

In designing my memorial, I decided to incorporate all three of these elements. The excavation features
a combination of concrete and ash, which reflects the foundations and remains of a house after a fire.
Additionally, the melted metal from the house is re-purposed as canopies and columns in the memorial
design, serving as a reminder of the impact of fire on the physical structures of our lives. By using these
materials in my design, I hope to create a meaningful and impaction memorial that honors those affected
by wildfires.

To understand the behavior of aluminum in heat and fire, I heated bismuth and poured it onto various surfaces and the edges of tall objects, creating columns. By attaching these columns like canopies, I aimed to demonstrate how such canopies would be presented in similar conditions.
I also reach to the aluminum foundry to create a bigger peace to demonstrate the actual version of canopies.

additionally,  for showing the the excavation, I used plaster and shaped it same as the excogitation I wanted

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